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I'm Maurizio, 25 years old and I was born in Alguer, a Catalan town situated in the northwest of Sardinia. I am a multilingual professor, Spanish -near native-, Italian -native- and Catalan -heritage language-. I speak more languages but I do not want to make you bored with this stuff!


Barcelona, where I'm currently living, is just 500 km from Alguer. Just take a boat and you'll get there in no time! 


Ever since I came to Barcelona for the first time, I just fell in love with it and I consider it as my second city!  


What am I doing here? Well, I'm attending MFPELE, a Spanish teacher Master degree to become a Spanish teacher as a second language. 


Do you fancy learning it with me?



Máster FPELE

Formación de Profesores de Español como Lengua Extranjera 

2013- 2014 


Courses of Psychology (Departement of Psychology)

2011 - 2015

Career of Educational and Philosophy 

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